Tag Archives: gender-based harassment

When the Day Before Yesterday is Actually Today

An Update Concerning ‘Women, Philosophy, etc.'

"Well behaved women rarely make history" quote

The leaderships of certain scholarly disciplines still lack women in proportion to the numbers of female students that are faithfully taking their courses and setting out to have careers there. Of course, women are only one of many ‘minorities’ who might legitimately take up grievances with Western academic institutions. But perhaps the present discussion might […]

Full Citation Information:
Legg, C. (2020). When the Day Before Yesterday is Actually Today: An Update Concerning ‘Women, Philosophy, etc..' PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/ideas/when-the-day-before-yesterday-is-actually-today/
Ideas are Open Access, freely available for readers to download and copy with proper attribution with a CC – BY – ND licence

Cathy Legg

Cathy Legg is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Deakin University, Australia. She has written  on PragmatismPeirce, truthmaking, and many other papers. Her keynote  at the PESA 2014 conference, Charles Peirce's Limit Concept of Truth is on the PESA YouTube site.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Gabrielle Rocha Rios on Unsplash