Tag Archives: Truman Commission Report

Why it is do or die for US public higher education

The 1947 report titled ‘Higher Education for American Democracy,’ also known as the Truman Commission Report, created perhaps one of the most well-articulated statements on the purpose of higher education in the twentieth century. The report outlined how higher education could and should function in American society: ‘Its task is not merely to meet the demands of the present […]

Full Citation Information:
Swindell, A., & Greeley, L. (2020). Why it is do or die for US public higher education. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/ideas/why-it-is-do-or-die-for-us-public-higher-education/
Ideas are Open Access, freely available for readers to download and copy with proper attribution with a CC – BY – ND licence

Andrew Swindell

Andrew Swindell is a doctoral candidate in the Comparative and International Education program at the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA (see his profile at The Conversation). His research interests include how to achieve quality education for all people in emergency settings how school choice policy in the United States affects access and equity. Before UCLA, he worked as a foreign aid practitioner in Liberia and a K-12 teacher in Thailand and Myanmar.

Luke Greeley

Luke Greeley is a PhD candidate in Educational Theory, Organization, and Policy at Rutgers Graduate School of Education. His research uses philosophy to study the intersections of education, economics, and the environment. Currently, his research focuses on consumer education and consumer movements in relation to larger democratic and economic trends.