ACCESS Vol 41 2021
Call for papers – Special issue – Leadership for Justice.
‘Leadership’ studies have focussed around the relationship between the leaders and the led; but what about the wider implications, the consequences for the not-led? How can leadership become more oriented to wider issues of social justice rather than to the efficacy of their leadership within their own institutions? The current world amply rewards those who can lead their followers, be they in corporations, schools or universities, to success in competitive terms. Can leadership success be evaluated in terms more embedded in notions of ethics, aesthetics, and social justice?
You are invited to submit a paper (up to 6,000 words) or commentary (approximately 2,000 words) on these issues. To indicate your interest, please submit a brief abstract of your paper by June 1, 2021 to accesseditorial@pesaagora.com. Full manuscripts will be due by September 1, 2021.
We look forward to receiving your submission.
Call for Papers – Volume 41, 2021
We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers focused on any level of the education sector – ECE, school, higher education, professional learning, policy.
The editors encourage a range of approaches to the presentation of research and ideas, including longer essays (up to 6000 words), shorter commentaries (approximately 2000 words), interviews, and responses to previous papers. The journal has a diverse readership and seeks manuscripts that are accessible and relevant to practitioners, researchers and policy makers.
If anyone is keen to suggest or edit a special issue, please get in touch.
The Editor, is happy to discuss your proposed paper.
Contact: accesseditorial@pesaagora.com